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« die Winter » Book

Co-published by GwinZegal and Festival Images Vevey
as part of the 2016 Images Festival

Editions GwinZegal
3 rue Auguste Pavie
F-22200 Guingamp

Festival Images
Fondation Vevey ville d’images
Place de la Gare 3
CP 443
CH-1800 Vevey

Graphic Designer : Claire Schvartz
Printer : Musumeci

die Winter | the book die Winter | the book die Winter | the book die Winter | the book die Winter | the book die Winter | the book die Winter | the book die Winter | the book die Winter | the book die Winter | the book die Winter | the book die Winter | the book

« die Winter » South Korean publication (South Korean/French)

Co-published by GwinZegal, the French Embassy in South Korea
and Pro Helvetia as part of the « die Winter » exhibition at the
ART SPACE Gallery, supervised by the Alliance Francaise in Busan
and the GoEun Museum and support by the Swiss Embassy

Concept and project :
Jerome Sother, Claire Schvartz and Stephane Winter

Project coordination : Mathilde Vanmansart